Bettas in a Drought
We are, unfortunately, well aware of the sad fact that we will be having
a fish show that uses a lot of water while we're in the middle of
California's Drought. :( In our defense, we weren't having
a drought last year when we bid on the Convention. ^^;
To help off-set some of our water use, we'd like to offer some
water-saving tips to go with your fish-room keeping.
Water Saving Tips with Fish Keeping
- Lower the water temperature.
If you normally keep your tanks at 80dF, lower the temperatures to 76dF or
even to 72dF if the fish can take those temperatures. A great deal
of water is lost purely through evaporation from the difference between
the tank heat and the internal air. If the tank temperature is
lowered, then the water evaporation will be less. No, the fish won't
be quite as happy as they are at ideal... but they should be okay
for the duration. Keep an eye on them after first lowering the temperature
and make sure they're adjusting okay.
- Put in more live plants. Tanks and Jars, both.
Live plants will help buffer the water. They will keep the
temperatures more stable, and they'll also keep the water chemistry
balanced. The more live plants, the better too the waste absorbency,
and therefore the less often you need to do water changes.
- Add Indian Almond Leaves to Jars.
Indian Almond leaves (IALs)are also an excellent water buffer.
They add tannins to the water, lowering the pH, and they are also reputed
to have medicinal properties. Having IAL will increase the amount of
time your bettas can go between water changes.
- Feed the fish less.
No, really, this will help. It goes along with the lowering the
water temperature as well. The fish will be less active, and
therefore they'll need less food regularly. Less food means less
waste, and less waste means fewer water changes needed. In ideal
conditions, a show or breeding fish should be fed 1-3 times a day; fish
you're just maintaining but not conditioning should be fed once every
other day. If you've lowered the water temperature, fish can be fed
even less than this and still be healthy. Maintenance fish can be
fed once every 3-4 days for several months without problems. But switch
them over slowly, reducing the amount bit by bit. Keep an eye on your
fish! If they're not liking the new diet, then adjust as necessary for the
health of the fish.
- Do fewer water changes!
You saw this one coming, right? A lot of the internet says
"change the water every day" to have healthy and robust show fish.
This is not always true, nor is it always good for the bettas.
Changing the water every single day stresses the betta and they never have
a chance to settle in where they are and start relaxing. For most 32
oz deli cups, water changes of every three days is good, and with plants
(we recommend java moss for jars) and IAL in the water will help extend
that to once a week. For larger jars, the fish can stay in there
even longer without worry.
Discussion! Our local group started trying the various
approaches with the drought and the results were very positive for the fish!
See CBS talking about it in our Facebook group. It's more than just an
idea - they're points that have worked out, and from people who hadn't used
those approaches before.
- Re-use the water!
When doing water changes, don't just dump the water out. Collect it
in buckets and then use that water for gardening, both indoor plants and
outdoor plants. Reuse as much as you can. Not only will that
prevent water waste, but your plants will love it! Natural fish emulsion
(gardeners pay good money for that!).
Convention Contacts
We have tried to put as much information as we can on the website. We know and expect, though, that you still might have questions. :) Our main hangout is on Facebook; please join us there for betta conversation and many people to help. Otherwise, please email us.